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The theory group is engaged in cutting-edge research in a broad span of areas, including approximation and online algorithms, graph algorithms, combinatorics, complexity theory, geometric computing, game theory and mechanism design, machine learning, stochastic optimization and decision theory. The group is also engaged in collaborative efforts with researchers in a broad array of application areas and makes leading contributions to nanotechnology systems, computational molecular biology, database management and data analysis, computational economics, internet systems and services, high-performance computing, geographic information systems (GIS), and ecological modeling.



Pankaj Agarwal

Personal Website

Research Interests: Computational & discrete geometry, Shape analysis, GIS and ecologic modeling, Spatial databases, Sensor networks, Trajectory data analysis


Robert Calderbank

Research Interests: Error correcting codes, Combinatorics, Electrical Engineering


Brandon Fain

Personal Website

Research Interests: Fair resource allocation, Algorithmic game theory, Computational social choice.


Rong Ge

Personal Website

Research Interests: Algorithms, machine learning, matrix/tensor decompositions, optimization.


Kamesh Munagala

Personal Website

Research Interests: Approximation and Online algorithms, Stochastic optimization, Decision theory, Scheduling theory, Computational Economics and Algorithmic mechanism design.


Debmalya Panigrahi

Personal Website

Research Interests: Graph algorithms, Online and approximation algorithms, Combinatorial optimization, Applied algorithms


John H. Reif

Personal Website

Research Interests: Biomolecular Computing and Self Assembly of DNA Nanostructures, Algorithms, Quantum computing, Optical computing


Benjamin Rossman

Personal Website

Research Interests: Complexity Theory, Circuit Complexity, Finite Model Theory, Combinatorics


Alex Steiger

Personal Website

Research Interests: Computational Geometry, Graph Algorithms


Xiaobai Sun

Research Interests: Numerical Analysis, Matrix Theory, High-performance Scientific Computing and Parallel Computing


Fan Wei

Personal Website

Research Interests: Extremal combinatorics, probabilistic combinatorics, applications of combinatorics to computer science


Anru Zhang

Personal Website

Research Interests: Tensor Learning, High-dimensional Statistical Inference, Statistical Learning Theory, Generative Models, Electronic Health Records, Microbiome Studies

Affiliated Faculty


Bruce Donald

Personal Website

Primary Area: Artificial Intelligence
Research Interests: Computational biology, chemistry and biophysics, Protein modeling, Optimization, Game theory for pathogen resistance, Statistical mechanics, and Geometric computing


Jianfeng Lu

Personal Website

Primary Area: Applied Mathematics
Research Interests: Electronic Structure and Many Body Problems; Quantum Molecular Dynamics; Multiscale Modeling and Analysis; Rare Events and Sampling Techniques


Bruce Maggs

Personal Website

Primary Area: Systems
Research Interests: Distributed systems, including content delivery networks, computer networks, and computer and network security.


Scott Schmidler

Personal Website

Primary Area: Statistical Science
Research Interests: Monte Carlo algorithms, Markov chain mixing times, Stochastic modeling, Bioinformatics, Machine learning, and Statistical computing

Graduate Students

Current PhD Students

Recent Alumni


